Environmental Sustainability
Local actions can have a global impact.
The Alvord Center provides both the inspiration and the opportunities to expand your knowledge of environmental issues, enhance your learning through place-based experiences both on and off campus, and develop the skills you need to turn ideas into action.
Your learning will extend beyond the classroom to our beautiful 300-acre campus, providing a dynamic learning laboratory where you can conduct research and work within our community to take action and make a difference.
And beyond the Island, many of our students find their inspiration while participating in one of our international education programs.
Discover the power of engaged citizenship. Your local actions can have a global impact.
Discover the power of engaged citizenship...
In one year
Gallons of maple sap collected
pounds of honey produced
pounds of food waste reclaimed through compost
percent of electricity need produced by solar array
gallons of gas saved through EV charging stations
Gilchrist Environmental Fellowship
Discover new opportunities for education and action in environmental stewardship and sustainability through fellowships granted each year for proposed projects on the Loomis Chaffee campus.
Guided Environmental Research Project
Take a hands-on learning approach to environmental stewardship and sustainability using Loomis Chaffee as a location of study and action. While investigating themes of waste management, energy conservation, water demands, and agriculture, students research and organize action plans and propose specific sustainability projects which they carry out in the spring term.