Our Faculty
Our Faculty
Our teachers challenge each other to be the best teachers that they can be . . . to be the best teachers you will find anywhere.
Loomis Chaffee is home to more than 180 engaged and dedicated faculty members who devote themselves every day to their chosen profession — both in and out of the classroom — as teachers, coaches, advisors, dorm staff, club advisors, trip leaders, and mentors.
Quick Facts
years average
Faculty of
Faculty Spotlight
There is no one path to becoming a teacher. Read how some of our faculty became the talented educators they are today.
English Faculty; Coordinator of Sexual Wellness; Head of Howe Hall
English Faculty; History, Philosophy & Religious Studies Faculty; Modern & Classical Languages Faculty — Arabic
Assistant Director of Summer Programs; Science Faculty; Assistant Girls Swimming Coach; Head of Taylor Hall
Science Faculty; Mathematics Faculty; Girls Varsity Swimming/Diving Head Coach; Head of Palmer Hall
History, Philosophy & Religious Studies Faculty
Performing Arts Department Head; Choral/Vocal Director
History, Philosophy & Religious Studies Department Head
Associate Director of Innovation; Science Faculty
Modern & Classical Languages Faculty — Latin
“It’s not about us. Everything we do is in the service of our students and their learning.”
Sara Deveaux Director of the Henry R. Kravis ’63 Center for Excellence in Teaching
Great teachers never stop learning
Kravis Center for Excellence in Teaching
Our faculty come together in the Henry R. Kravis ’63 Center for Excellence in Teaching to delve deeply into the latest findings on mind-brain education science, refine their curricula with an eye to equity and inclusion; and finetune their grading practices in response to the evolving needs of students.