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Pearse Hub for Innovation

Pearse Hub for Innovation

Pearse Hub for Innovation in the Scanlan Campus Center

Make things and make a difference.

The Pearse Hub for Innovation (PHI) is true to its name: a central place where students can find the tools, faculty, and resources to flesh out their ideas and bring them to life.

Students come to the PHI from all corners of campus to identify and solve problems worth solving using the concepts of design, engineering, and entrepreneurship.

Faculty in the Computer Science, Design Thinking, and Entrepreneurship Department lead many of the programs in the PHI but on any given day you might find a visual arts teacher working with their class on a 3D fabrication project or one of the Norton seminars completing a design challenge, and more. The PHI also is home to our popular robotics program.

With a mission that encourages students to make a difference in their communities, the PHI supports an interdisciplinary curriculum that includes courses that focus on problem solving for manufacturing, society, entrepreneurship, engineering, the business world, and the common good. The PHI works with all of Loomis Chaffee’s academic departments and centers to support and foster innovation and provides interested students and faculty with the training needed to safely and effectively use the tools in the hub’s makers’ space. Each year the PHI also hosts visiting entrepreneurs who speak to and meet with our students.

Three students placing sticky notes on a white board as part of a brainstorm session in the PHI

Innovation Trimester (I-Tri)

All the threads of the PHI experience come together in the Innovation Trimester (I-Tri) capstone program — an immersive experience for a select group of seniors in their senior spring term. Students enrolled in the I-Tri step away from their regular classes and daily schedule to tackle real-world challenges and offer innovative solutions to problems faced by local businesses and non-profit organizations.

Learn more

What’s happening in the PHI?

Meet the Directors

Scott "Scott" MacClintic

Scott "Scott" MacClintic

Director of Innovation; Computer Science, Design Thinking & Entrepreneurship Department Head
Jennine "Jennine" Solomon

Jennine "Jennine" Solomon

Associate Director of Innovation; Science Faculty; Head of Richmond Hall, Computer Science, Design Thinking & Entrepreneurship Faculty
Naomi "Naomi" Appel

Naomi "Naomi" Appel

Science Faculty; Computer Science, Design Thinking & Entrepreneurship Faculty
Jake "Jake" Leyden

Jake "Jake" Leyden

Computer Science, Design Thinking & Entrepreneurship Faculty