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  • School History
Loomis Chaffee Library

Travel through time to learn how libraries at Loomis, Chaffee, and Loomis Chaffee have changed over the years.

Loomis’ First Library, 1917

Loomis' First Library, 1917

Loomis’ original library, now known as Founders Lounge, served as a space for studying and socializing as well as a room for team gatherings and special occasions such as the annual Yule Log celebration. A nineteenth-century portrait of the Loomis Founders’ father hung above the library’s fireplace for many years.

Loomis Library, 1950

Loomis Library, 1950

Mrs. Catherine Winifred Adams, Loomis’ first librarian, is pictured here on the right. Mrs. Adams’ hiring in 1946 began a process of professionalizing and improving the library. A study done in 1949 recommended an annual library budget of $650. Until then, the library’s collection had grown only by donation and requests made of alumni to share used books. (Photo by William M. Rittase)

Chaffee Library, mid-1950s

Chaffee Library, mid-1950s

A studious feeling filled the air as members of Chaffee’s Class of 1958 and their schoolmates work during a first-period study hall in the Sellers Hall Library on Chaffee’s Palisado campus.

Book Moving Day, May 29, 1970

Book Moving Day, May 29, 1970

With the construction of the Katharine Brush Library, the library’s collection was carried to its new location. The LOG reported, “[A]n almost steady flow of book-laden students and faculty crawled between the old library and the new.” The Pirandellos, campus pranksters, (described by the LOG as “those oh so jolly fellows”) reportedly moved over 3000 books in the early morning, and the LOG noted, “for the rest of the day, those inimitable fellows kept us humming with their subtle, humorous acts.”

Card Catalog, 1972 

Card Catalog, 1972

The card catalog is a thing of the past with today’s digital access to the Brush Library on line catalog of 30,000 books, and over 150,000 online periodicals, newspapers, and books. The Brush Library’s program has always emphasized good research skills while the methods and materials have changed with the times to benefit student and faculty research. (Photo by Bradford F. Herzog)

Katharine Brush Library, 2014

Katharine Brush Library, 2014

Group study spaces, new classrooms, and reconfigured stacks for the library’s book collection help to make today’s Katharine Brush Library a center for student gathering and collaborative study time. The unparalleled view onto the Meadows, a much-remembered feature for returning alumni, remains a focal point for all who enter the building.


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