- School History
Founded during the 1918–19 school year, the Darwin Club offered a variety of activities to Loomis students. The Natural History division compiled an impressive collection while students in other areas of the club pursued a myriad of projects. The club’s popularity called for a central meeting place and with the 1923 construction of Warham Hall, the Darwin Club became one of the first student groups to have its own dedicated space on campus. Read on to learn more about the first decade of this immensely popular club that is still in existence today.
Drawings for Darwin Club Room, 1923
Architects Murphy and Dana designed Warham Hall and included a Darwin Club room on the first floor. The room included exhibition cabinets and a built-in aquarium large enough to hold at least 100 fish.
The 1924 Loomiscellany
Reporting on the Darwin Club’s first year in its new Warham Hall headquarters, the Loomiscellany detailed the breadth of club activities.
Darwin Club Charm
Like many other clubs and organizations during the early years of the school, the Darwin Club also presented its members with a charm.
Darwin Club Certificate, 1926
Harrison M. Davis, Jr. received this membership certificate during his senior year.
Wireless in Founders Cupola
A visitor to the club during its first year in 1919 spoke on the invention and uses of wireless telegraphy and suggested the club install a unit on campus. Founders’ cupola became the site for a wireless unit used by students during the 1920s.
The Log, June 10, 1927
The final issue of The Log for the 1926–27 school year featured articles describing two of the varied activities of club members: ornithology and photography