Matching Gifts

Matching gifts from corporations and foundations are an important source of Annual Fund revenue. Last year the fund received $88,491 in matching funds from 63 companies. Such gifts are an excellent opportunity for donors to increase (double or even triple) the amount of their contribution. All matching gifts are credited to the donor’s class or parent class. If the donor does not work for a matching gift company but his/her spouse is employed by such a company, a match from that employer may be possible.



Matching Gift Process

Guidelines for matching gifts vary by company; however, generally, the donor should enclose a matching gift form when the gift is sent to Loomis Chaffee. The gifts administrator in The Alumni/Development Office will complete a portion of the form verifying the gift and will mail the confirmation to the corporation. Specific inquiries regarding matching gift policies, procedures and payment schedules should be made to the personnel office of the donor’s employer.