Student Life
Student Life
At Loomis we don’t just live together. We learn from each other, support one another, laugh a lot, and have fun!
Loomis Chaffee students form a tight-knit, welcoming, and supportive community where individuality thrives and it is easy to be good and kind.
Here you will be celebrated for who you are and who you want to become. Along the way you will find others who share your interests and meet people who will introduce you to new ideas and perspectives. At Loomis, you will create an unforgettable experience filled with a lot of laughter and fun and some of the best friends you will ever have!
Life at Loomis
never stops.
Whether you live on campus or in a nearby town, Loomis is a 24-hour a day, seven-day a week experience — in the classrooms, on the playing fields and stages, in the dorms and dining halls, and all the spaces in between.
“There is never a dull moment on campus. With a variety of people with varying interests, there is always something happening.”
Your Advisor
All students have at least one faculty member who is their champion.
For many, that person is their faculty advisor. Advisors have three main roles:
- to help you have a positive experience academically and socially;
- to oversee your academic program;
- and to communicate with your parents, working with them to serve your best interests.
You can expect to meet with your advisor on a regular basis — they will celebrate your successes and help you to address any challenges. Ninth grade advisors only have freshman advisees and have special insight into the first-year experience to help guide you and your family.